Co-Managed IT Services

IT Support For IT Departments

We understand the crazy busy life of an IT Leader…
Are you an EXTREMELY busy, time-pressured IT Manager inundated with urgent problems and critical projects but NOT equipped with the right tools, budget and support you need to run your IT department the RIGHT way?
If so, schedule a quick 15 minute consultation.
Hodgson Consulting’s Co-Managed IT Services, also called Co-MITs, is a customized set of ongoing IT services, support, and tools we offer to companies with IT departments to help “co-manage” all aspects of IT support. Not only does this save your organization money, but it also enables your IT team to be more effective and efficient, giving you greater peace of mind, better IT support and protections against downtime, cybercrime, ransomware, and IT-related compliance violations.

Bottom Line - You Need More Help?

We are here for the busy tasks that take advantage of your day.

This is NOT about taking over your job and replacing you or your IT staff.
Co-Managed IT is a way for IT leaders of growing companies to get the helping hands, specialized expertise, IT management and automation tools they need WITHOUT the cost and difficulty of finding, managing and retaining a large IT staff.


What Co-Managed IT is NOT

It is NOT about taking over your IT leader’s job or replacing your entire IT department.
It is NOT a one-off project-based relationship where an IT company would limit their support to an “event” and then leave your team behind to try and support IT.
It’s also NOT just monitoring your network for alarms and problems, which still leaves your IT department to scramble and fix the problems.
It IS a flexible partnership where we customize a set of ongoing services and software tools specific to the needs of your IT person or department that fills in the gaps, supports their specific needs and gives you far superior IT support and services at a much lower cost.

Reasons Why Growing Companies Are Moving To Co-Managed IT Approach:

A significant reduction in IT-related problems, faster support and greater productivity for everyone.

We don’t replace your IT staff; we make them BETTER by filling in the support gaps, giving them professional-grade tools, and training and assisting them where they need help. That means your entire office sees a significant reduction in IT issues, making everyone more productive.

You don’t have to add to your head count.

Finding, hiring and retaining TOP talent is brutally difficult and expensive. With Co-Managed IT, you don’t have the cost, overhead or difficulty in staffing a large IT team. We don’t take vacations or sick leave. You won’t lose us to maternity leave or an illness, or because we have to relocate with our spouse, or we’ve found a better job. You can flex the support you need as your company’s needs change.

Your IT team gets instant access to the same powerful IT automation and management tools we use to make them more efficient.

These tools will enable them to prioritize and resolve your employees’ problems faster, improve communication and make your IT department FAR more effective and efficient. These are software tools your company could not reasonably afford on its own, but they are included with our Co-Managed IT program.

You have instant access to “9-1-1” on-site IT support.

In the unexpected event your IT leader was unable to perform their job OR if a disaster were to strike, we could instantly step up to provide support and prevent the wheels from falling off.

You get a TEAM of smart, experienced IT pros.

No one IT person can know it all. Because you’re a Co-Managed IT client, your IT lead will have access to a deep bench of expertise to figure out the best solution to a problem, to get advice on a situation or error they’ve never encountered before and to help decide what technologies are most appropriate for you (without having to do the work of investigating them ALL).

You’ll stop worrying (or worry less!) about falling victim to ransomware, a cyber-attack, outage or data-erasing event.

We can assist your IT leader in implementing next-gen cyber security protections to prevent or significantly mitigate the damages of a ransomware attack or security breach. We can also assist in providing end-user awareness training and help you initiate controls to prevent employees from doing things that would compromise the security and integrity of your network and data. Critical proactive maintenance will actually get done!

We provide your IT leader and team free workshops and training.

We offer workshops and webinars for our Co-Managed IT clients so they’re more informed on critical topics such as cyber security, disaster recovery, compliance regulations, best practices, and more.

Think Co-Managed IT Is Right For You?
Our Free Diagnostic Consultation Will Give You The Answer

If you want to see if Co-Managed IT is right for you, we’d like to offer a free diagnostic consultation to answer your questions
and customize a plan for your organization. At the end of this consultation, you’ll know the pros and cons of co-managed,
the implementation process and timeframe, cost analysis, productivity measures and more.

Popular IT Directors Services

We are here for the busy tasks that take advantage of your day.

Managed IT

Enhance your existing IT department with a support system designed for your business’ growth without hiring additional staff.


Secure, Scalable, with Easy Access to important documents, regardless of what device you’re using or where you are. That’s efficiency!


Protect your business from devastating data breaches or hacker attacks that could compromise your client’s data, ruin your reputations and cost you millions in fines and fees.


Prevent data breaches and data loss. Eliminate the guesswork in your cyber security – know the exact the state of your business security. We assess and map your existing security to identify areas that require immediate attention.

We take tech issues off your plate in 4 easy steps:

Step 01


On this call, we’ll discuss your unique situation, any concerns you have and answer any questions you have about us.

Step 02


We conduct a confidential assessment of your network’s security and overall health.

Step 03

Action Plan

We work on-on-one with you to customize a strategy to ensure your IT and security goals are achieved.

Step 04


We execute the strategy to deliver proactive ongoing support so you gain peace of mind knowing your network and data is secured.

Is Co-Managed IT Right For You?

Download this FREE Guide and You Decide.

This guide features in-depth details about Co-Managed IT and provides answers to frequently asked questions, important information about picking the right IT firm to partner with, as well as details on how you can develop a better, more productive relationship with the management of your organization.
This is NOT just a “brochure,” but an informative report about how to run the most efficient, SECURE and responsive IT department possible – and it belongs in your hands.